When deciding where to establish a private limited company in Southeast Asia, Singapore and Malaysia are two popular and attractive options for entrepreneurs. While both countries provide business-friendly environments,...
The government on Friday announced an RM 421 billion expansionary Budget for 2025. The national Budget comprises RM335 billion in operating expenditure and RM86 billion in development expenditure. 2025年财政预算案总开销高达4,210亿令吉,其中3,350亿令吉是用于行政开销,860亿令吉是用于发展开销...
As a business owner in Singapore, it’s essential to understand what qualifies as taxable and non-taxable income to ensure compliance with tax regulations. Below is a detailed breakdown of...
Embarking on the journey of starting a company in Singapore can appear intricate without proper guidance. However, with a clear understanding of the essential steps outlined in this article,...
BEN AND JERRY’S SPLIT THE ICE APART The late founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs once said: “If you want to make everyone happy, don’t be a leader, sell...
Choosing the right apps for your business Software technology has evolved massively in the past decade, with cloud-based apps now fundamental to many of the internal and external processes...
Turning a profit is at the heart of running any successful company. But should profits be the only financial focus if you’re looking to create a stable, long-term business?...
One year on, small business owners are still struggling with the effects of the pandemic – lockdowns in some parts of the world, closed borders and the uncertainty of...